Saturday, June 27, 2009

Really getting old

As I write this posting I am 66 years old, which means that I have been on Medicare over one year and officially retired as I am soon to receive my first retirement check from the US Government. In this past year I have joined Kiwanis and joined Facebook. My wife and I went on diets and are really doing well at that and I need to share that information as we have discovered a new diet which we call The Dickson PYAFTDT Diet. I quit Verizon as my Internet supplier and hired Comcast to do it, which could easily blow up into 8 or 10 posts. Which means I changed my main mail account also. The latter doesn't really mean much as I have email accounts with Google, Microsoft, Verizon,Yahoo and a few more that I don't even know about or rather remember. It has been a while since I last logged on to this blog and I found that I have 8 postings ready to go, most of which I forgot about. All of these mentioned items are postable and I think I will do just that and slip in one of my posts, waiting in the wings, ever so often.

Canon Rebel T1i
I get my first check in a couple of weeks and this is what I am going to get with my first check. YES! The trials and tribulations that I went through in making this decision will be the subject of my next posting, probably. Bet you all are on pins and needles and just can hardly wait.

Or I might just post about the Cat.

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